What is it about maths that engenders phobic reactions? More than any other discipline, Mathematics tends to evoke awe and dread in a number of people. While every student likes and dislikes different subjects, the proportion of people who evince…
What is it about maths that engenders phobic reactions? More than any other discipline, Mathematics tends to evoke awe and dread in a number of people. While every student likes and dislikes different subjects, the proportion of people who evince…
If you tend to downplay your achievements or are plagued by irrational self-doubts, read on to dispel your fears. Do you feel like a fake? Do you feel that you don’t quite belong? Despite winning accolades and laurels, do you…
Recall the last time you were angry with someone. Perhaps, your spouse dilly-dallied, delaying your departure from home, which caused you to miss your flight. Or, just as you are hurriedly getting ready for a wedding, you discover that your…
Differences of opinion can lead to unpleasant exchanges. How can you handle dissent? Of late, dinner time at home has been fraught with tension. You bristle every time your parents talk about your career prospects or hope that you will…
Can all kinds of occupations be rewarding? How does our approach to what we do matter? Just as school kids have Monday morning blues, many adults also reluctantly trudge to work at the start of each week. Work, for many…
Make checklists. Bring more order and success into your life. Have you gone on a college vacation only to discover that you did not pack your blue sweater? After feeling quite euphoric on doing well in a Board exam, have…
As you fathom a topic at increasingly deeper levels, your curiosity about it also increases. Many articles on education, including previous ones in this column, urge students and teachers to place a premium on understanding as opposed to rote learning….
While it is perfectly healthy to set high standards for oneself, perfectionism has its dark sides too. Vani is never satisfied with her performance. Even though her marks are in the top one per cent of her class and she…
From infusing creativity into the classroom to maintaining positive discipline to catalysing students to excel, a plethora of articles and workshops outline useful strategies for teachers to make learning more engaging and enduring. However, no arti… Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/supplements/dh-education/know-thyself-teach-better-759034.html
Sure, you must take charge of it. But talking to parents helps, rather than defiance and rebellion. While many young adults make the transition from school to college to the workplace fairly seamlessly, others are mired in confusion and doubt….