Using the second or third person when talking about ourselves to ourselves offers a more distanced and less “egocentric perspective” about our situation Thoughts arise in us all the time. When we are focused on an activity, our thoughts may…
Using the second or third person when talking about ourselves to ourselves offers a more distanced and less “egocentric perspective” about our situation Thoughts arise in us all the time. When we are focused on an activity, our thoughts may…
Baby girls tend to speak earlier and use more complex language than boys of the same age. Likewise, little girls tend to be more garrulous than their brothers. In many cultures, women are presumed to chat and gossip more than…
That students are reluctant to write lengthy answers is a common lament among educators. Additionally, fewer children exhibit eye-catching penmanship with a subset of writing illegibly. Given that handwriting is becoming redundant in the workplace, s…
That a person is either left-brained or right-brained is one of the neuromyths that pervade popular imagination. While left-brainers are believed to be logical with a facility for verbal and mathematical reasoning, right-brainers are considered to be creative, artistic and…
Though not an educationist himself, in the narrow sense of the word, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, embodied, in both letter and spirit, what an ideal education may achieve. Through two books, written as letters to his daughter, Indi…
The world of work, being both dynamic and demanding, expects employees to continually learn. Be it upskilling, reskilling or acquiring new content, we need to extend and expand our horizons. Though you may have been an indifferent student in your…
Changing your mind is not a sign of weakness. Being open to learning and new knowledge is the hallmark of an active and healthy mind Flip-flopping on an issue, or changing your mind, is often perceived as a sign of…
Prolonged school closure during the pandemic drove home (in this case quite literally) the point that kids hanker for school. But if you asked most children what they missed about in-person school, friends, fun and extracurricular activities typically topped their…
Whether a person is left-brained or right-brained is one of the neuromyths that pervade popular culture. Left-brained people are believed to be more logical and analytical, right-brainers are considered to be more creative and emotional. However, the…
Both employers and employees tend to dread performance appraisals, primarily because humans have a tendency to fixate on bad news over good tidings. Even when the feedback is largely positive, the meetings tend to focus on areas that need improvement…