Though technology has invaded practically every nook of our lives, one aspect of education remains largely unchanged. Even as students are encouraged to do research, online and offline, the textbook continues to hold sway as the arbiter of truth. Across…
Tomorrow is a crucial client presentation. A relatively new recruit is creating your slides. He has promised to email them by 3 pm so you can edit them. It’s noon now.
How can one cultivate a healthy body image? Whether it’s an acne-infested face, hips too wide to fit into slim-fit jeans or a shorter than average stature, many of us are dissatisfied with our reflections in the mirror. While we…
Even as schools open their gates to children after one-and-a-half years, companies are not necessarily following suit.
Have you ever felt miffed when friends or acquaintances pass judgments as if they know you better than you know yourself? Sure, you get good grades. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t forget to submit an assignment, especially under…
We seldom hear people in positions of power or authority declare that they are unsure or doubtful when asked a question in their area of expertise. In fact, if an expert confesses to not knowing, we often assume that they…
Most people would attest that they know someone who lacks self-awareness. The perpetually irritable boss who thinks he is a paragon of patience. The stressed-out parent who thinks her kids are oblivious to her worries as she doesn’t talk about…
One of the myths surrounding creativity is that only certain types of people can be creative. While painters, writers, dancers and filmmakers are expected to exercise their creative muscles, most people feel that less esoteric professions like accoun…
Last week, you resolved that you would not react to your teenage son’s emotional volatility. But when he slammed the door with the infamous adolescent declaration of “I hate living here,” your anger boiled over and you gave him an…
As work from home (WFH) continues, people are beginning to trickle back into offices. After being cooped up for over a year, employees long for the camaraderie that only physical office spaces can provide.