Just because something has a number tagged to it, does not make it automatically valid. A few weeks ago, I was approached by two young, dynamic entrepreneurs who were keen on setting up a startup in the area of children’s…
Sturm und Drang. This Germanic phrase, which loosely translates as “storm and stress”, originally denoted a German literary movement in the 18th century. However, it also describes a particularly poignant phase of human development. Adolescence. Afte…
Team work is not just about working with like-minded persons. Find out the key ingredient that facilitates synergy In today’s hyper-connected and specialised world, most work is the result of team effort, and often involves multiple teams collaborating with one…
It takes a lot more to being a good listener than just nodding one’s head and offering solutions No doubt, we live in a noisy world, both literally and virtually. Expressing our opinions on all matters, trite or significant, has…
Learning across disciplines can help you broaden your perspectives. The disciplinary boundaries between the arts and sciences are set in stone in most Indian colleges, both literally and metaphorically. The pure sciences and related disciplines like microbiology, electronics and nanotechnology…
Postponed decisions result in clutter. Make space for yourself. Tidy up your life. For many of us, tidying up is a chore that we often put off. So, books, files and papers pile up on our desks, while stationery, packets…
Suman is struggling with Math. I need to find a tutor. I’m worried that Tanya will lose marks in board exam due to shoddy writing. Nitin needs to be more attentive in class. He can do much better if he…
How accurate is our ability to read another person’s mind? We need to cultivate a sense of humility when it comes to knowing others. Each of the following statements involves making a presumption: “I know she will get angry when…
Women, in spite of doing better than men on average, rated themselves lower on the self-assessment questions. Alarmingly, the differences were rather striking. That men are more assertive during meetings and more likely to negotiate for raises and promotions than…
Just as charity begins at home, so do career and social success — look inwards first Vani didn’t feel comfortable going out with her friends though she was part of the coolest group. Though she didn’t really want to drink,…