First published in The Hindu, 2 September 2023 Imagine standing in a circle with a group of people who are throwing a ball. The ball passes to-and-fro as different people throw the ball to each other. However, the ball is never…
An emotionally intelligent school is where every stakeholder, the children, teachers, non-teaching staff, and the management engage in daily mindfulness practices. The recent events of teachers thrashing students and egging other students to beat a child from Kathua in Jammu…
First published in The Hindu, 5 August 2023 Whether it’s a university declining admission, a company not getting back after an interview, or a romantic break-up, rejection stings. Be it a professional or personal issue, a rejection implies that you are…
Teachers, across subjects, grades, and curricula, hope to impart meaningful, memorable, and motivating lessons. Whether we’re discussing ancient civilizations, Euclidean geometry, or the volatility of stock markets, we would like students to be engrossed and enthused both during and after…
First published in The Hindu, 1 July 2023 He got the seat on “pure merit.” Behind this statement lurks a number of societal assumptions of what merit entails. That a person who gets into a college through merit is truly deserving of the seat. Further, merit as…
Do you find the pinkish orange glow of sunsets breathtaking? As waves lap at your ankles, do you feel like a speck against an expansive ocean? Does your jaw drop when you see a lithe gymnast hold an impossible pose…
Our educational system elevates verbal and logic mathematical intelligence. Yet, many disciplines involve a high degree of visual-spatial skills.
College is a time of seeking and searching. As students gain deeper insights into various fields, forge bonds with different kinds of people and craft identities as individuals, they are likely to…
Like most complex, nuanced and elusive phenomena, good teaching is hard to describe, let alone define. When I reminisce about my own academic journey, right from Kindergarten to earning a doctorate, a sea of faces and a host of distinctive…
First published in The Hindu, 29 April 2023 When it comes to mental health, we readily associate thoughts and feelings as being integral to our well-being. While cognitive and affective processes play a significant role in how we go about…